How Much Money Do You Need for Umrah?

Planning your Umrah trip, budget for £1,000 to £1,500. That the flights, lodging, meals, and transportation. The best to bring cash for normal bills but credit cards are also common in Saudi Arabia.

We don't recommend a set amount of money for Umrah as this depends on personal circumstances such as how long you spend and what you need. A rough estimate is that you should have about £900.

How Much Money Do You Need for Umrah?

Planning your Umrah trip, budget for £1,000 to £1,500. That the flights, lodging, meals, and transportation. The best to bring cash for normal bills but credit cards are also common in Saudi Arabia.
We don’t recommend a set amount of money for Umrah as this depends on personal circumstances such as how long you spend and what you need. A rough estimate is that you should have about £900.